Hotel Charleston Activities Schedule Forms

The table below contains all the forms needed to register for the convention. Simply click on the
dot in the column under the document type to down load a form. If you have problems read the
FAQ section below, it may help.

Form PDF Word HTML
Convention Registration
Hotel Reservations
Trade Fair Tables
Stereo Theater Proposal
Digital Theater Proposal
Spotlight Auction
Workshop Proposal
3D Image Competition
Schedule Information
Sunday Cruise Information
Monday Tour Information

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I download a form? Most people can simply click on a button and download a form.
    However there are thousands of different combinations of software and security settings
    so this may not work for you. If you have problems, put the mouse pointer over the dot
    and right click with the mouse. Then select "Save target as..." or "Save as" from the pop up menu.
    Enter a local file name to download and save the file on your computer. You can then
    open it like any local file.
  2. Which file format should I use? The short answer is "Which ever works."
    "PDF" files normally work the best but you should use which ever format you are
    comfortable with.
  3. Why do I get an error opening the PDF files? The PDF files have been tested with Acrobat
    Reader versions 4 and 5. They may not work with earlier versions. The upgrade to version 5
    is free just click on the link below.
  4. Can I send forms in electronically? Not at this time. Forms must be mailed to the address
    on the individual form.
  5.  Where can I get the PDF reader? Download it from Adobe by clicking on this link:
  6. What version of Microsoft Word was used to create the files? They are in "Word  95"
    format and should be readable by later versions.
  7. How do I print an "HTML" form? Adjust the line length on your screen until the form looks
    right, then use the "print" command under the "file" command on the tool bar. Then use the
    browser "back" button to return to this page.
  8. Why does the "HTML" form look different then the other versions? The appearance of an
    "HTML" document is largely controlled by your browser. Don't be concerned if the form
    spills over onto multiple pages or if things don't line up exactly. We'll still take your moneyJ.


Any questions or comments about the forms should be sent to:

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Last modified: 07/06/03 © 2003 S Hughes